18: VW's Battery Event, the FSD War Heats Up & More!
On today’s episode of Vice Versa VW holds their own battery day event, GM’s Cruise buys another full self driving company (the FSD wars continue to heat up), Toyota gives us whiplash by announcing a new EV and then trying to slow down EV adoption, and more.
On today’s episode of Vice Versa VW holds their own battery day event, GM’s Cruise buys another full self driving company (the FSD wars continue to heat up), Toyota gives us whiplash by announcing a new EV and then trying to slow down EV adoption, and more.
Going live Thursday at 5PM PT/8PM ET!
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Watch Ricky at Two Bit Davinci: https://www.youtube.com/twobitdavinci
Watch Matt at Undecided with Matt Ferrell: https://www.youtube.com/undecidedmf
Going live Thursday at 5PM PT/8PM ET!
Subscribe to the audio Podcast: https://www.viceversa.show/subscribe
Watch Ricky at Two Bit Davinci: https://www.youtube.com/twobitdavinci
Watch Matt at Undecided with Matt Ferrell: https://www.youtube.com/undecidedmf